The Story of Eli

                Seeing as the title “The Book of Eli” is already taken, I guess we’ll have to go with “The Story of Eli”.
                He is my third baby. You’d think I’d know when I’m in labour. Like, really, it’s not like I haven’t done this before.
                But we were in unchartered territory. 37 weeks. Three full weeks farther than I’ve ever made it before. I figured that would make labour more apparent. Not so.
                I was spending the day with my sister and her family at their grandma’s house. As the afternoon worn on I just started feeling a little off. Braxton Hicks had become good friends with me in the previous weeks, and at first I thought it was just them visiting again. But then they got more frequent. But not painful. Nor with any sense of regularity.
                My doctors nagging voices were in my head. I could hear them saying, “If you have more than two contractions in an hour, get to the hospital!”
                It was advice I had previously ignored, and for good reason. If I had done that I would have been at the hospital 200 times in the last month of my pregnancy. But this time, this time I was considering it.
                The whole crew left to come to my house, and I thought if I just went home and laid down I would feel better and the “whatever this is” would stop. But on the way to Barrhead I changed my mind and decided I had better just stop at the hospital and check in like a good little girl.
                As soon as I got to the hospital and laid down on the bed, the contractions pretty much stopped. Absolutely nothing showed up on the NST machine, which wasn’t surprising as they never had with my other babies either. I was feeling like the girl who cried wolf. I had already called Sheldon, and Chelsey had brought him to Barrhead and was switching the car seat into her vehicle to take Kadon home. I felt slightly ridiculous. Third time around, I should know what’s going on.
                The doctor came in, the same one who had sent me to Edmonton when I was in labour with Kadon. I told him I didn’t think anything was actually happening. He checked me and disagreed. I was two centimeters dilated, and when he pressed his hand against my stomach he could feel contractions even though I couldn’t. He said it wasn’t a rush as I wasn’t in pain and Sheldon could drive me to the Royal Alex and he gave me a paper to give to them to inform them what was up.
                So off we went on a leisurely drive. After finding the right door (I’m used to making a grand entrance in an ambulance through the ER) I informed the skeptical staff I was in labour. I was told numerous times that I would probably be sent home. I guess the problem with not feeling pain with contractions is it’s hard to convince people you are for real. I just shrugged it off, as we would know what was happening when I was checked again.
                As protocol dictates I was once again hooked up to the NST machine, and once again nothing showed up, adding to the general feeling of the staff that I’d be sent home.
                When the doctor showed up I gave her little blurps about my past history.
                “Just so you know my contractions didn’t show up with Kadon either on this machine… he was born five hours later.”
                “Just so you know I had my first in an ambulance.”
                “Just so you know, that test that’s supposed to be 100% accurate? Yeah, it was wrong with me.”
                She was really nice and got the hint. She checked me and I was three centimeters, so it was proved I was actually in labour even if I wasn’t in any pain and was joking around with the nurses. A quick ultrasound revealed the baby was still breech, so I was asked what I would like to do.
                I asked what the doctor recommended and when told a c-section is recommended for this type of breech (baby was showing to be footling breech – one foot dangling down) my plan to have a c-section was cemented.
                So paperwork ensued, with me randomly informing them when I was painlessly contracting. They said it would be a little bit before I would be taken in as it wasn’t a rush since I was progressing slowly and there was two other operations to do. Sheldon and I settled in for a nap.
                Not fifteen minutes later they came in and said, “It’s time! The ladies in front of you aren’t ready for their c-sections so it’s your turn!”
                It felt surreal and calm as I sat in a wheelchair and was wheeled down the hall. I got a kiss from Sheldon and he went to go gown up to meet me in the room.
                My only thought was, “This is the strangest way to have a baby.”
                In a freezing cold room I received my spinal and was laid down on the table. The sheet went up and Sheldon came in. I was so worried I’d be able to feel something.
                I heard the doctor say, “You feel that?”
                “Feel what?”
                Oh. Good. Good answer. I didn’t realize how much they pushed on your stomach during a c-section. It felt really odd. Painless but weird.
                The clock ticked away and I knew it was almost over. I looked at Sheldon. “You okay if it’s a boy?”
                He smiled. “Yeah.”
                It had just been the day before when suddenly in the truck I had randomly announced, “Sheldon! I think it’s a boy!” after being 100% convinced it was a girl the whole pregnancy.
                “The baby is out! It’s a boy!”
                A boy. I shook my head and smiled. Another little boy. I waited for a wave of disappointment that didn’t come.
                “5 lb 6 oz!” Someone called.
                Another little dude. I couldn’t believe it. He had been in there three weeks longer than Kadon and had only gained 6 ounces? What had he been doing in there this whole time?
                Sheldon brought him over to me and we talked to him and finally named him.
                Eli Rubin.
                Eli simply because we liked the name.
                Rubin because we wanted him to have a special name, named after someone we love, who has always been there for us, and who has the biggest heart for God.
                Our little man is two and a half weeks old already. He’s growing and thriving and finally figuring out how to properly latch. I’m feeling human again. The first five days after the c-section were no fun at all, but now I can move freely and I’m not in pain, nor on any pain medication. I love having my two boys at home.
                Kadon adores Eli. I don’t have to worry about the jealousy issue, just the too much love issue. He’s learning to be gentle and always has to get his kisses and five second holds in.

                There’s the story of Eli. No dramatics. No NICU stay. I had a baby and brought him home. Isn’t it wonderful?


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