Resumé of a 21 Month Old Boy.

Eats dirt. And sand.
Colours on walls.
Eats crayons/markers/pens
Also colours on himself
Collects rocks.
Tosses rocks on lawn.
Selective hearing
Limited understanding on the word "no"
Pilfers my skin care products/makeup and eats them. Runs away saying "Mine!" When I catch him.
Climbs on everything.
Instigates wrestling with big brother
Plays with his own hair too much, creating bald spots
Excellent snuggler
You know you have deciphered his wishes correctly when he starts laughing maniacally and flapping his arms
Calls all fruits "nana" - refuses to eat an actual banana.
Blueberry enthusiast
Skilled tower knocker over
Special talents include pushing big brother's buttons, demanding lotion for his legs and feet, and eating copious amounts of string cheese.
He's good at independent play - also lulling you into a false sense of security and then finding him standing in the sink brushing his teeth.
Addicted to washing his hands.
Loves all animals. Limited understanding of "gentle".
Paw Patrol Enthusiast
Soother addict
Always looks like he hasn't been bathed in six months
Enjoys the baths/showers he has (almost every day, P.S.)
Enjoys cleaning and pointing out messes for me to clean.
Closes all open drawers and cupboards.
Excellent at putting dirty cloths in hampers.
Sleeps through the night (usually, and just recently, thank Heavens)
Naps in the afternoon.
Outdoors type
Doesn't talk much.
Will do all the things Big Brother does.
Cries for Daddy or Papa when in trouble
Not affectionate with people he doesn't see on a regular basis.
Excellent hugger for those fortunate enough to receive one.
Loooooooong eyelashes
Stubborn and sensitive
Extraordinarily goofy at home - and once he warms up in new surroundings


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